About Us

East-Harju Partnership is one of the 26 LEADER Local Action Groups (LAG) in Estonia.

Our LAG joins together territories of 3 municipalities (Anija, Kose and Raasiku municipality) that are situated in the eastern part of Harju county, close to the capital Tallinn.

  • Population (01.01.2020): 18 355 inhabitants.
  • Area: 1223,74 km2

East Harju Partnership LAG was established in 2008.

The main goal of East-Harju Partnership is to develop our area and help to create better living and working conditions and possibilities in our area.

To reach this goal, East-Harju Partnership is implementing LEADER strategy in our area. Also other possibilities and funds are being used to develop our area.

LEADER strategy for the period 2015 – 2023 was approved in 2015.
Priorities for the period 2015-2023 are:

  • Developing local tourism
  • Improving the use of local resources (special focus on local food)
  • Cooperation (encouraging international and local cooperation)All cooperation ideas and project proposals are welcome.


Local LEADER strategy 2008 – 2013 was completed in 2009.

The priorities of the 2008 – 2013 strategy were:

  • Improving the quality of life in rural areas
  • Implementing new technologies
  • Youth 
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