
August 2019 (5th – 11th August) will bring youths from all over Europe to Estonia.

Amaze Me Leader 2019 will be a week of exciting activities for young people to explore living in a rural context and the challenges associated with this.

The event is being delivered by LEADER LAGs: LAG East-Harju Partnership and LAG Partners.

The young people participating in the event will form teams (number of teams will depend upon final number of participants) and will travel around in the areas of the two LAGs, stopping off to participate in a range of events and activities, many of which have been funded by LEADER.

About the program: we have prepared a week full of excitement and different activities, all based on the core ideas of LEADER. As we want the participants to have some surprise element, we will not give away too much of it. What we can say is, that the adventure will already start with the arrival, as the participants themselves have to find their way to a given destination (of course clues will be given and volunteers will monitor the success and are willing to assist).

Number of participants: up to 60 participants will be selected to take part in the event.

Perfect participants are:

  • Aged between 18 and 29 years;
  • Speak English (does not have to be perfect, but communication level)
  • Be active and interested in rural development

Costs: Participants themselves (or LAGs / municipalities / communities sending the participants) will cover the travel costs and participation fee 50 eur / person.

Accommodation and activities will be covered by the project*

*except Romania, due to different budget rules.

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