On 17 - 18th of August 2017 two Leader LAGs from Finland visited East-Harju Partnership area. The purpose of the visit was to exchange experiences related with Leader and rural development. During the visit we introduced our best project examples and had discussions...
Põhja-Eesti toit mõisakultuuri festivali raames 20.08.2017
20. augustil 2017 toimub Anija mõisas ja mõisapargis mõisakultuuri festival. Selle raames tutvustame ka Põhja-Eesti kohalikku toitu. Ootame Põhja-Eesti kohaliku toidu ettevõtteid registreeruma. Märgise omanikel on võimalik saada koostööprojekti "Põhja-Eesti kohalik...
Participation in FOCUS project
Ede Teinbas from LAG Western-Harju Partnership and Tiina Sergo from LAG East-Harju Partnership attended the second seminar of the international cooperation project FOCUS "Stimulating new forms of active civic participation through focus on Social and Solidarity...
New LEADER legislation approved
Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs approved new LEADER legislation on 23rd of October 2015. The document itself (in Estonian language) can be found: https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/127102015011 Approving the legislation means that Estonian LEADER Local Action Groups...
Strategy 2015 – 2022 approved
On 6th of November 2015 the General Assembly of the LAG East- Harju Partnership approved the final version of the strategy fro 2015 - 2022. On 12th of November 2015 the strategy was submitted for evaluation to the paying agency and Ministry of Rural Affairs. Also...