Õppereis Soome koostööprojekti SEIC raames 8.-10.juuni 2022

8.-10.juunil saab toimuma õppereis Soome koostööprojekti SEIC raames.

Päevakava on toodud inglise keeles, kuna projekti keel on samuti inglise keel.

8.6.2022 Wednesday
10.30 – Ship departure from Tallinn
13.00 – Arrival to Sepra region
14.30 – 16.30 Loviisa, Ruukki (Ahlströminntie 1, 07970 Ruotsinpyhtää)
Piian Herkut – lunch and coffee.
Piian Herkut makes various products from natural raw materials by hand. The product family includes a wide range of drinks, jams, mustard and several different chili products.


A’la Talli
The store offers local- high-quality handmade products, such as old -fashioned wooden toys, cane horses, felted slippers and hats, colourful fabric bags, purses and beanies, and recycled products as jeans and leather goods.
16.45 -17.45 Pyhtää Kulttuuritalo (Siltakyläntie 175, 49220 Pyhtää) Cultural Living Room – Gallery – Venue – Summer Café – Creative Rest House and Artist’s Residence. The operations of the Pyhtää Culture House must offer a favourable cultural environment and permanent platform for the actors in creative industries.
https://www.pyhtaankulttuuritalo.fi/18.00 Accommodation Beach hotel Santalahti (Mastotie 1, 48310 Kotka)
18.30 Dinner (getting to know other entrepreneurs)

9.6.2022 Thursday
7.30 – 8.45 Breakfast
9.00 Bus leaves to the study trip (all luggage on the bus)9.30 – 11.30 Takatalo & Tompuri Brewery (Uskintie 23, 49980 Ravijoki) The story of the brewery
Lunchtime (Salmon soup) https://takatalotompuri.com/
11.30 Departure to Länsi-Saimaa area
12.15 Korupirtti Jewelry shop- a visit to spectrolite quarry (Kivikyläntie 7, 54410 Lappeenranta)
– the jewelry entrepreneurs join the group on the way to the quarry
– spectrolite quarry. Everyone will their own jewellrystone, picking up stones, stone jewellryproducts
www.korukivi.fi www.ylamaamystique.fi
www.kiviseppa.fi, www.tapionhuvilat.fi
13.30 -14.30 Boutique – Café – B&B Pulsa station; Petra Karjalainen, (Pulsan Aseman tie 21)
-old railwaystation, main building built 1869
-coffee and pie
15.30 – 16.30 Taipalsaari Wanha kunnantupa, (Kirkonrantatie 3) – (municipality building)
-lunch restaurant, terrace on Lake Saimaa bank
-Leader joint business project, introduction of a project where 6 businesses are involved
16.40 – 17.10 Innalanmäki Farm Nina Lappalainen, (Innalantie 160 Taipalsaari)
Highland cattle & farm shop www.innalanmaki.fi
17.45 Accomodation Olkkola Manor (Olkkolantie 2, Savitaipale)
-accomodation, bicycles for hire, old fashioned bathing hottubs, canoes, caravan area, saunas by the lake Kuolimo. In winter iceskating track on the lake
-business presentations
-entrepreneurs of the region invites to join the group
21.00 saunat. 2 saunaa Kuolimo-järven rannalla: saunas by the lake Kuolimo

10.6.2022 Friday
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Departure
9.15- 10.00 Farm Ruohonjuuritaso. (Niinimäentie 160 , Savitaipale)
Farm with cereal cultivation, hay for horses, cereal production, rabbit production, growing and producing food and delicacies for bunnies and pet rodents, production of other natural products, veggies and herbs.
10.30 Farm Reiponen, meat products, summer cafeteria, farm shop
11.30 Lunch, Reiposen tila
www.reiposentila.fi Lunch

12.30 Departure to Leader Kasvu area
14.00 Virtakivi Sauna and Kouvola guest marina (Brejlinintie 8, 45910 Kouvola)
In an idyllic river landscape, the building on the banks of the Kymijoki River now houses summer café, a bespoken restaurant, a coffee roastery, meeting and exhibition facilities and of course a sauna.

Virtakiven Sauna | Voikkaa

15.30 Kettumäki National Park and lake reed projects (Kotiseututie 10, 45700 Kouvola)
The intention is to use as much Finnish local- natural materials as possible in Kettumäki National Park. Lake reed in particular is used widely and the area serves as a testing and demonstration site for reed structures and products.

Kettumäen Kansanpuisto

16.30 Departure to Helsinki Harbour

Registreerimine: info@idaharju.ee